QF - Deep and Dark
MTX Version have only one "Falling Leaves" effect, you still can use it without MTX
Enjoy ^^
Hideout version: 1.0
Total decorations: 203
Uses MTX: Yes
Total decorations: 203
Uses MTX: Yes
Decoration name | MTX | Count |
Falling Leaves | Yes | 1 |
Alva | No | 1 |
Crafting Bench | No | 1 |
Dannig, Warrior Skald | No | 1 |
Einhar | No | 1 |
Guild Stash | No | 1 |
Gwennen, the Gambler | No | 1 |
Helena | No | 1 |
Horticrafting Station | No | 1 |
Jun | No | 1 |
Kirac | No | 1 |
Map Device | No | 1 |
Navali | No | 1 |
Niko | No | 1 |
Rog, the Dealer | No | 1 |
Sister Cassia | No | 1 |
Stash | No | 1 |
Tane Octavius | No | 1 |
Tujen, the Haggler | No | 1 |
Waypoint | No | 1 |
Zana | No | 1 |
Expedition Locker | No | 1 |
Heist Locker | No | 1 |
Forest Flowers | No | 2 |
Grass Patch | No | 1 |
Pool Kit | No | 48 |
Primeval Floor Light | No | 14 |
Primeval Power Source | No | 1 |
Volcanic Pebble | No | 67 |
Void Ground | No | 46 |
Pohutukawa Tree | No | 1 |
Latest version: 1.0
Version number | MTX | Publish date | Total favor | Total decorations | Downloads | Link |
1.0 | Yes | 2021-10-08 09:38:11 | 542,952 | 203 | 2159 | Download |
1.0 | 08 Oct 2021 - 09:38
Initial release
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